Here I'm made a list of mostly used Facebook Abbreviations which you can use them. Not just for chatting, like you can use Facebook Abbreviations for comment on someone Facebook Wall, you may use these short-forms to communicate with your friends.
Today we talk about Facebook Abbreviations Meaning, Text and Facebook Abbreviations.
Facebook Abbreviations & Meanings:
- Fb : Facebook
- B4: Before
- BMT : Before my time
- ASAP: As Soon As Possible
- L8r: Later
- Ttly: Talk to you later
- POS: Parents Over shoulder
- 2moro: Tomorrow
- BRB : Be right back
- SD : Sweet Dreams
- FYI: For Your Info
- TM : Trust me
- Kl : Cool
- ROFL: Rolling on Floor laughing
- w8 : Wait
- 404 : No clue
- ASAIC: As soon as I can
- Ty/Tu: Thank you
- WU? : What’s up?
- BBT : Be Back tomorrow
- BF: Boy Friend
- GF: Girlfriend
- BOT: Back on Topic
- YSIC: Why should I care
- BAU : Business As usual.
- GN: Good Night
- w8 : Wait
- OMG: OH my god!
- Abt. : About
- GNASD: Good Night and Sweet Dreams
- JFY: Just for you
- L8: Late
- PM: Private Message
- kk : ok
- WTH : What the hell
- LMK : Let me know
- LMAO: Laugh my Ass off
- Y : Why & yes
- BTW: By the way
- Zzz: Sleeping
- HAND: Have a nice day!
- WOA: Work of art
- GM: Good Morning
- IM: Instant Message
- LMK: Let Me Know
- wth: What the hell
- Txt: Text
- Ppl: People
- LOL: Laugh out Loud
- TIA: Thanks in advance
Chatting on Facebook is definitely the quickest way to connect around the world’s largest social network site. And to make it much more faster we've start using abbreviations of words we write and everyone must be familiar with most of them. But sometimes everyone is not familiar with such abbreviations. So just improve your mind’s dictionary using the list provided below.
Hope this Facebook Abbreviations list is useful for you, Don't forget to share it on Google+ and Facebook.
Rajesh says
Great work… This is seriously required while chatting. It will be of a great help for all Facebook users.. I didn’t know many of these. Bookmarking!
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