I have seen generally bloggers choose blogspot when they starting their blogging career because they don’t want to pay money. I’m not talking about cheap WordPress hosting or free web hosting services. I realize newbie’s miss plenty of thinks about blogging, like how to start self host website. Yes always newbie’s want everything for freeRead More…
How to secure WordPress site with SSL and Https?
Are you hoping to move from HTTP to HTTPS and install a SSL certificate on your WordPress site? In this article, we will discuss proper methodologies to install SSL and HTTPS in WordPress. What is HTTPS and SSL? Consistently we share our own information with various websites whether it’s making a buy or basically signingRead More…
Updated Exclusive Hostgator Coupon 2018
If you are looking Hostgator Coupon 2018 this is right place you are you can save upto 600$ by using these Hostgator Coupon 2018. Hostgator is started by Brent Oxley in 2002, in (Houston Texas) Hostgator hosts more than 9,000,000 domains! and serves out. HostGator boasts a stellar record of client satisfaction, and they alsoRead More…
VPS Hosting From 1&1 Perfect For WordPress Sites
Having the convenience and quickness of virtual servers running websites has become growing in necessity for webmasters wanting to avoid sharing IP’s with other websites. As we conducted our 1and1-vps Web Hosting Review, it became obvious that 1&1 probably beats down the competition in every feature of VPS hosting. Inexpensive to operate, ecologically green inRead More…
VPS vs Dedicated Server Hosting – Which Is The Best Choice?
When it comes to your computer system you need it to be secure and safe. In the business world there are many ways to safely store data; using a VPS or a Dedicated Hosting Server. Which ever one you decide to use is the one that should fit your business best. Taking in the considerationRead More…