Basically sustainable SEO is all about quality and the user’s experience that can make your website last for a long term. Google is definitely awesome in changing its algorithm frequently, but the latest changes are capable of causing a nightmare to any internet marketer. It is because of its threatening and deadly penalizing modus operandi of sending the first page SERP results to no-man's land overnight.
Every website abides Google rules to stay on its optimistic side. However, now Google is trying to gratify its users. Google is popular because of its users. This fact implies that internet promoters must find ways to please the users and not Google search engines. The Panda algorithms will optimize by focusing on the data metrics of user and their engagement online. How visitors search and connect with your website is noted to find out the quality, credibility and time spent on the result page.
What is the requirement of sustainable SEO?
Sustainable SEO points you to concentrate on creating and sustaining websites that are trusted, shared, appreciated and rewarded by the visitors. In the past, websites were created in such a manner that it was easily found by the search engine crawlers. SEO’s focused on using important keywords, creating good content and quality link-building. Nevertheless, this is not adequate for sustainable seo, which heavily makes use of different metrics that come from users' likes and dislikes. Panda downgrades those sites that are less liked by the users and upgrades the ones liked more.
Sustainable SEO actions are determination and reliability. So, it is necessary to take the following actions.
On-page SEO measures
1. Quality content – Content must be lengthy, unique and highly convincing that connects visitors psychologically and they stay on your web page.
2. Design and presentation – Website must be designed from the user’s outlook, which means the page must get loaded quickly. The presentation must have appropriate ads because Google bots are smart and can figure out too many ads that contribute to poor user experience.
3. Build Author/Agent rank – Google has lately offered primary benefits for authorship and that is to have the author’s picture besides their listings on search engine results. Authors are ranked by search engines on the aspects of their created content. These features are influenced by social platforms including tweets, shares, likes, comments and more inbound links.
4. Compatible with advanced technology – Build websites that are not solely for desktops or laptops, but users should be able to access it on their Smartphone’s too. Use mobile responsive code instead of a separate sub-domain because Google opposes content replication.
Off Page measures
1. Link building – Building relationships on social sites (Google+, Twitter or Facebook), with relevant bloggers and people sharing your niche is very helpful in the future. The key advantage is that your article will be shared or linked to on a regular basis.
2. Social networking – Attaining social signals are essential because according to Google metrics people share articles only if they believe it is worth sharing. Remember not to use social channels for sharing links, but create a forum that connects with your fans and keep it active.
3. True sharing – Remember to share content that are not only presented on your website, but share genuine articles from other relevant websites too. This helps to build an understanding relationship that pays optimistically.
4. Always top-notch quality – Internet promoters think that the content on your website must be of high quality and the articles you present on external publisher's website can be average. This belief is wrong because promoting average article elsewhere is capable of damaging your brand reputation. So, only publish best quality articles anywhere on the internet.
The bottom line is that Google’s new algorithm is focused on the user’s interaction with the SERP result page. Therefore, build sites for users, who can spend their time and share it with others via social channels. Embrace and execute these techniques for enhancing your SEO sustainability.
thanks…i hope my blog also gets virul traffic 🙂
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on sustainable seo.
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Rhea recently posted..Rhea
Yes! most important factor. Really you have shared an amazing information.